Socialism is defined as a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.  I am not a political person and, this article is not meant to offend anyone.  However, this theory that advocates the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole seems to be contrary to the natural law of creation.  The seed that is endowed in each and every one of us.  The creativity of the god inside all of us that inspires us to create.  With socialism, there is nothing more contrary to the law of love.  It seems to be advocating the most extreme level of selfishness humanity could ever conceive.  As I write this article, our world is going through a pandemic.  It breaks my heart to see Americans lined up by the thousands in food banks.  
 We, by all accounts live in the greatest country on the planet.  Pandemic or no pandemic, this should never happened.  This experience is teaching me that many individuals are separated from their source.  The god inside.  We are all very powerful and have total control of our lives.  When a society allows government or anyone to take control, it's not a pandemic or a natural catastrophe that will lead to your demise, it is ourselves.  Government is supposed to have its power from the people.  But it seems that the opposite is true.  That the government is granting us our rights and powers.  This may upset our elected politicians, but, these men and women who we elect have it all wrong.  It is like you hire a business manager to handle your business.  You pay him and give him an assignment and duties while under your employment.  But, after awhile, your manger tells you that he needs to control your checking account and your business in order for you to succeed.  Then after some time you find yourself losing complete control over your business.  And, as if this is not bad enough, you find yourself working for him.  Politicians seem to think that the people work for them.  It should be the other way around.  See the picture?  Politicians are public servants.  They are the people's employees.  
 Our soul is not meant to be controlled.  It is human nature.  We want to be free and create whatever our heart feels.  Patrick Henry from a speech he made to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775 stated, "Give me liberty or give me death."  That statement is what our soul is all about.  We are all here to be free to create and make the planet a better place.  That is our mission.  No one can ever take that away from us, unless we allow it.  No government or, person can ever take that away from us.  Now, some have chosen to relinquish their freedoms.  Individuals that have chosen to commit crimes and are sent to prison is an example.  But, that was their choice.  After all we all have to follow laws.  We are all part of society.  My concern as I see this from an enlightened perspective is that many have taken the herd mentality and just go along with life.  We have been programed to accept the way things are.  We are taught from a young age not to question authority.  To me that mentality is a pandemic in itself.  It creates a complacent society where we relinquish all our god given talents and powers.  We are far more better than that.  If we are all created in the image of god, that tells me we are all god.  Let's remember this and not forget where we came from and where we are going.  Use you talent and power to accomplish you dreams.  I leave you with the following poem, titles, "Love is Freedom."
  "I can't live without loving you.
  But, I can't live without my freedom also.
  When your love became a cage, tying my
  wings, I chose my freedom over your
  love to fly.  If you miss me, if you wish
  to meet me, meet me in the sky flying with
  the freedom.  Meet me if you also love
  the freedom.  Meet me if you also want
  to fly.  But, this time holding my hand.
  Never try to make a cage for your love.
  You forgot, love is freedom.
  It can't breath in a suffocating cage.
         Mohini Puranik
     Just a thought