Have you ever noticed that some individuals use their position of power to scare you?  Politicians are notorious for playing this game.  If you listen  to any politician lately, they will end their speech by saying that this is the most important election ever.  That if you don't vote for them, America as we know it is forever done.  Why is that?  If you have been keeping up with the pandemic situation that we are currently going through, politicians act as if they are the ones that will get us out of this mess.  Why is that?  If you watch a sporting event, you'll hear some commentators say, this is the best game ever.  Why is that?  If you are a basketball enthusiast and follow the National Basketball Association draft, you'll hear some say this is the best player ever drafted.  Why is that?  If  you purchase a home or a car or furniture, You'll hear the purchaser at times say, this is the best... You can fill in the blanks.  Why is that?
 I can tell you why.  In the case of the politicians they forget that they obtain their power on a temporary bases from, "We The People."  We loan our powers to them so that they can make decisions for the common good.  But, in many cases they forget that they are the people's servants.  They rule by fear because they are misinformed.  Most of them are unenlightened.  They seem to forget that we all, regardless of who we are or were, have inalienable rights given to us by god.  But, it cuts both ways because many of us, "the people," too have forgotten that we are all powerful.  We too are unenlightened.  Government will never fix anything.  Individuals are empowered with the seeds of greatness to live the life we choose to live.  Now, whether you forfeit that power to others, that is your choice.  I envision the next step of evolution to be a place where the majority of individuals are enlightened and understand that we are all connected. And, that we are all powerful and that we are the ones who can overcome any obstacles we face.  Once we reach this point in our evolution, that is when we will reach peace and harmony for all.  When I say for all, that is exactly what I mean.  Not for a few.  Not for a certain creed or religion, or political party, or gender, but for all!
 No different in any other aspects of society.  Whether it is sports or purchases etc... It is always the best ever, until someone else or something else comes along and takes its place.  I believe this is so, because most of the population is unenlightened.  Most live in a world that is limited.  Life is not supposed to be that way.  Life is supposed to be an exercise in abundance.  We are all here to live free and create.  God did not create us in his image to suffer.  Or, to struggle to exist.  If you are living a life that is not total abundance, you need to look at yourself and re-evaluate your thinking.  But, the first step on the road to abundance is to own exactly where you are.  It is no one's fault but your own.  It is no one's fault that you are in a job that does not stimulate you.  It is no one's fault that you have been divorced three times.  It is no one's fault that your children don't want to talk to you.  It is no one's fault that you are overweight etc... You are the one that made those lifestyle choices.  You need to look in the mirror and accept responsibility.  
 Once you have accepted responsibility for your choices, you are on the right path to success and happiness.  I get it, it is not easy.  And sometimes, it can be embarrassing.  But, I rather be not liked because of who I am then to be liked because of who I am not. 
 The next step is to connect to your source.  I find the easiest way for me to do this is through mediation.  I picture myself as part of the bigger picture.  I concentrate on where I came from and where I am going.  In this state, I feel pure love and energy.  I also feel  true unconditional love throughout my body.  All bad thing or ill-feeling seem to leave my body.  In fact, writing this section of my article gives me goose bumps because it takes me to a total state of pure love.  I can only compare this, to when an athlete describes being in a zone.  It is a trance like feeling.  Now, I understand it is difficult to live in this "zone," all day long.  And, quite frankly, I don't think that is necessary for a successful life.  But, the more you meditate and, connect to your source, the easier it becomes to access this almighty power that we all have without exception.  I encourage all to access this source within, and your life will change in amazing ways.  And, others will benefit from your inspiration.  I leave you with the following poem.
 "Even after all this time.  The sun never says to the earth, "you owe me."  Look what happens with a love like that.  It lights the whole sky."
      Author unknown
  Just a thought.
