Enthusiasm is an intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. It comes from the Greek word, "enthous," which means the god within, inspired. The happiest and most interesting people are those who have found the secret of maintaining their enthusiasm or the god within. To me enthusiasm is energy and a passion for life. Children are a great example of enthusiasm. Parents are their children's teachers but I also believe that parents can learn so much from children. If we look at children, they are naturally happy about life. They are enthusiastic about pretty much everything they do. Why is that? I think that is so because everything they do is a learning experience. Learning is a challenge for them. It is something new. But then as they get older or as adults, they lose some of that desire to learn new things. Then when we get to a stage in out life when we are at the peak of where we want to be, say when a person desires to be an attorney and finishes his schooling and obtains his license, the enthusiasm begins to dwindle. This is so for any profession. I just so happen to mention the profession of lawyering because I am one. But, as I go through life, enthusiasm or the zest for living and growing is not restricted to professionals. It really applies to life in general. I have known of or worked with many in my life who have a lethargic disposition and a monotone way of communicating. They are individuals who are dull and unexciting. But, come the end of the work day or Friday at 5:00 pm and this lifeless person turns into John Travolta on the dance floor in the movie "Saturday Night Fever." It leaves you pondering the question how can this be so?
I believe, that since life is all about growth. In order to grow you have to keep learning and that is where the problem lies. You see, most adults, once they have achieved the level of education and knowledge to get to where they are, they stop learning. I believe that once you stop learning, you stop growing. Once you stop growing, you stop creating. Once you stop creating, you stop living whether you know it or not. Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." He said this at his trial for impiety and corrupting youth, for which he was subsequently sentence to death but, his statement is so true about life. If one does not examine their life, it becomes a life not worth living, at least for me. I have this rule about my life that I have followed my entire adult life. That is that every 4 years I examine where I am in life. I examine everything about myself. My job, my house, the car I drive, the fitness I'm in etc... I do this because I do not want to get stale. Family members and friends have asked me, "why is it that I am not happy with what I have?" My response is very simple and natural for me. That is that I am very grateful for everything I have but that I am not satisfied. I will continue to learn, grow and move forward until the day I take my final breath on earth. For me that is the only way to live - to live an enthusiastic, passionate life. We should all be enthusiastic and passionate about life. We should all be enthusiastic about everything that happens from the time we come out of the womb to the time we get placed in the tomb. To me this is the purpose of life. Anything less is not worth living, as Socrates alluded to. And, anyone can dip into the god within to live a more inspiring life full of zest and energy. I can tell you from experience that choosing to live a vibrant life will change your life in a positive way. It will attract people and things that will enhance your life. It is the true meaning, at least for me, a person that is not religious, of being re-born! "Enthusiasm can help you find the new doors, but it takes passion to open them. If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there." - Roy T. Bennett
Just a thought
I believe, that since life is all about growth. In order to grow you have to keep learning and that is where the problem lies. You see, most adults, once they have achieved the level of education and knowledge to get to where they are, they stop learning. I believe that once you stop learning, you stop growing. Once you stop growing, you stop creating. Once you stop creating, you stop living whether you know it or not. Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." He said this at his trial for impiety and corrupting youth, for which he was subsequently sentence to death but, his statement is so true about life. If one does not examine their life, it becomes a life not worth living, at least for me. I have this rule about my life that I have followed my entire adult life. That is that every 4 years I examine where I am in life. I examine everything about myself. My job, my house, the car I drive, the fitness I'm in etc... I do this because I do not want to get stale. Family members and friends have asked me, "why is it that I am not happy with what I have?" My response is very simple and natural for me. That is that I am very grateful for everything I have but that I am not satisfied. I will continue to learn, grow and move forward until the day I take my final breath on earth. For me that is the only way to live - to live an enthusiastic, passionate life. We should all be enthusiastic and passionate about life. We should all be enthusiastic about everything that happens from the time we come out of the womb to the time we get placed in the tomb. To me this is the purpose of life. Anything less is not worth living, as Socrates alluded to. And, anyone can dip into the god within to live a more inspiring life full of zest and energy. I can tell you from experience that choosing to live a vibrant life will change your life in a positive way. It will attract people and things that will enhance your life. It is the true meaning, at least for me, a person that is not religious, of being re-born! "Enthusiasm can help you find the new doors, but it takes passion to open them. If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there." - Roy T. Bennett
Just a thought