I recently had my cell phone upgraded.  This process took about 3 hours to complete since there are 4 lines attached to my account.  The experience was pleasant compared to previous occasions.  So today while I was at the gym, I mediated as is routine for me and I started thinking about the importance and necessity of upgrading ourselves.  We upgrade our cars, our phones, our residences, or relationships, our employment, the food we eat, the beverages we drink, our political opinions, our pictures, our furniture, our clothes, etc.  However, when was the last time you decided to upgrade yourself?  We are under the erroneous assumption that by upgrading the aforementioned, it will make us happy.   But, does it really?  The  way I have always seen it is that happiness has to start within.  All external stimulants may make us think we are happy but, if you are honest with yourself, they contribute nothing towards our internal spiritual needs.  The true measure of success is how you measure up to yourself and your potential not your neighbor.
 We seem to be all too busy upgrading everything in our lives except, ourselves.  We upgrade ourselves by understanding that we have the most important element to happiness and success literally right in front of us.  Actually, I should say inside of us instead of in front of us.  This metaphorical self upgrade is in the choices we make through our thinking.  I have concluded through my many years of reading and studying this subject that most individuals worry by nature.  The default program in the brain is to scare you so that you worry and therefore hold back. In a way it is there to protect us.  However, this kind of protection I do not want.  I separate the brain and the functions of the brain with the mind.  You see the mind is the controller of your life.  The mind, in my opinion, is what separates us from any other species.  We can change our lives in an instance just by changing and choosing what we think about.  As a kid and through all my years of formal schooling I was never taught about the unlimited inherit power of the mind that we all possess and, how simple it is to change your life in an instance.  I learned about the brain but was never taught that the brain and the mind are two separate elements.  The power of thinking and the thoughts produced by the mind can be life changing.  We all have this power.  However, beware that this power of the mind does not discriminate between good or bad thoughts.  Its purpose is to bring your ideas and thoughts to life.  Our thoughts are a very powerful instrument to either create happiness and wealth or sickness and poverty.  If you are not where you want to be in life, maybe it's time to upgrade your way of thinking from the old to the new.  Einstein said, "There is no go or bad only thinking makes it so."  I encourage all the readers to accept  a challenge.  After you read this article, for the next 24 hours, think positive,  smile and be welcoming to strangers on the street.  If you have a worry or a negative thought, catch yourself, scold yourself and immediately think of something positive.  I leave you with a thought on point.  "When things go wrong, don't go with them."  Elvis Presley.
    Just a thought.