Success is not something externally.  Success is internally.  It's within all of us without exception.  I believe that if you are successful internally then you create success externally.  It all starts with belief.  It's a way of life.  A habit.  We are all empowered with the seeds of success.  We are all created by the same source.  I am not talking about religion.  In fact, I am not a religious person.  I am a spiritual person.  Spirituality does not need religion however, religion does need spirituality.  I just wanted to put that out there.  I believe it starts with how we think .  thinking is an amazing tool that we have but many don't use it or, at the very least don't use it for creative purposes.  For some unknown reason, which is confusing to me, many want to use this power of thinking in a negative way.  By being negative or thinking negatively , it's not going to change what has occurred.  Wouldn't it be better to clear your mind of negativity so that solutions to whatever you're going through can start working.  If you change your thinking, you change your attitude and, long and behold your life starts to change into what you desire.  As Zig Zigler would say, "It's your attitude not your aptitude that determines your altitude."  I'm always asked, "I understand all this positive stuff but after I hear it or read it, it goes away."  My response is that it's like showering, in order for physical hygiene to work, you have to do it everyday.  It has to be a lifestyle.  It can't be done once in awhile and expect it to have a significant positive lasting impact in your life.  You have to invest in yourself.  If you don't, no one else will do it for you.  I'm always amazed how so many work so hard to develop their muscles and maintain an attractive physique but when it comes to their mind or their thinking they don't do much.  It's almost comical because in general people put more emphases on material things than they do on things that come for free like your mind.  I envision a day soon where in addition to going to a health club we'll be going to a mind club or a meditation bar where we naturally stimulate our minds without the assistance of any sort of chemicals or external stimulants.  That would be super cool!!  I leave you with a quote from Albert Einstein.  "If you want your children to be intelligent read them fairytales.  If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairytales."
     Just a thought.