I am a huge advocate of fitness.  Fitness to me is like taking a shower.  Every day you need a shower for proper hygiene.  If you skip a day, you will start to stink.  Now, I understand sometimes we want to just bum around and not shower which is totally acceptable but, that is the exception.  My entire prospective in life is balance.  The way I see it is that most individuals when  describing fitness, refer to physical fitness. They seem to neglect the importance of mental fitness.  Ask anyone on the street a simple question.  Ask them, "how's your fitness" and I will guarantee you, they will answer referring to their level of physical fitness.  Physical fitness is important.  We were given, or some may believe, we chose the bodies we're in so, it is our obligation to treat it well so that we can enjoy the life experience of which we are here for.  Physically speaking, I workout everyday.  I do this not to impress anyone or set any world records but to contribute towards my obligation and gratitude for being alive.  Some may be in poor health and conclude that, they were born with a propensity for whatever it is that they are going through physically.  If you take this position, then what you are saying is that you have no control over your physical well being.  This is a position that I totally disagree with.  It is your body and your health.  You have the power to decide what to do with it, what foods you eat, what liquids you put into it etc... In conjunction to proper physical fitness and nutritional habits, mental health has to be part of the formula for proper fitness.  But it is rarely discussed.  If you don't believe me, next time you are at the gym, look for the mental fitness room.  You will find, dance classes, aerobic classes, zumba classes, machines and equipment for every muscle and body part in human existence.  But, nowhere  will you find a room or section or equipment dedicated for mental health.  
 What seems to be ignored in health clubs and gyms are that in order to have great physical health, you must have great mental health.  By having great mental health, we enjoy life and everything that life has to offer.  We can feed the desire to be creative and grow.  To me it's pretty obvious that individuals that are positive and generally happy, are fit physically and mentally.  I am not saying that being positive and happy all the time  is a cure all for everything.  What I am saying is that being positive can help us cope in a normal way, without external stimulants, to bumps on the road or when things seem to be going south.  A death in the family or a break up in a relationship or a termination in employment etc..., can lead to prolonged depression and isolation.  But, if an individual is mentally healthy, the road to recovery is short and the whole experience has a learning effect.  People that are positive, seem to enjoy life to the fullest.  They will not allow the ego to interfere in their life journey.  You see ego in my opinion is living selfishly.  It is all about what's in it for "me."  It creates a cycle of judging others in a negative way.  It becomes a dichotomy between you and the rest of the world.  It becomes a life of judging others based on superficial things such as their clothes, the car they drive, the house they live in, their education, titles, gender, sex, religion etc...  I can go on but I am sure you get the picture.  And, please don't get me wrong.  I like the finer things in life but I work hard to be able to enjoy and make choices about how I want to live and contribute to my life experience but, not at the expense of others.  Or not to show or say that I am better than anyone else.  The truth is that we are all equipped with the ability to live  a life of our choosing with the power of our mind.  And, there is enough for everyone.  Life is not a competition.  Life is more akin to a marathon where you go through ups and downs on the journey but, if you stay mentally focused, the prize is right in front of you for the taking, and not to take at the expense of someone else.  Life will provide exactly whatever it is that you desire through the power of the mind and the law of attraction.  Therefore, keep it positive.  What do you have to lose?  The answer is pretty clear to me.  I leave you with a poem on point by Roy T. Bennett.  "Attitude is a choice.  Happiness is a choice.  Optimism is a choice.  Kindness is a choice.  Giving is a choice.  Respect is a choice.  Whatever choice you make makes you.  Choose wisely."
      Just a thought.
