Chances are, if you are reading this article, you are considering changes in your life.  Something is calling you.  There is a burning desire to do something.  You are feeling a force within you telling you it is time.  There is a calling, but you are scared to answer it.  Many have answered the call.  For example, when Arnold Schwarzenegger was asked how did he accomplish reaching the top of his bodybuilding and acting careers, he simply answered, "Drive."  Many individuals have ideas but very few put them into action.  You have to almost take a careless approach and let loose.  And, if you go for it and the results are not what you envisioned, so what!  Your experience will eventually get you closer to your goal.  There are so many individuals that over think an idea.  If you have to think about it that much, chances are, it is not what you really wanted in the first place.  The reason some over think is because they want to come up with reasons why they should not do what it is they are thinking of doing
 Accomplishers are willing to fail in order to accomplish.  That is exactly where you need to be.  Chances are if you ask any professional athlete if they want to be in a position to win the game for their team? Are they willing to take the chance that many will be disappointed in them if they were to fail?  The answer will be an emphatic YES!  And if that was not the answer, they have no business being a professional athlete.  They understand that just because you fail, it does not mean you are a failure.  They would never had made it that far in their careers if they were worried of failing.  This applies to any chosen career.  Ask any surgeon whether they are worried of failing, and, if the answer is yes, I would not want them operating on me.  Ask any lawyer, if they worried of failing, and if the answer is yes, they will not have much of a practice.  Ask any restauranteur, janitor, police officer, speaker the same question about failing and if the answer is yes, chances are they are unsuccessful in their chosen careers.
 Physically, individuals do not like to be confined.  They prefer to be able to move around freely.  No difference with your spirit or soul or your essence.  Call it whatever you want to call it.  It wants to be able to expand.  Once our bodies physically leave this plane, our souls will reconnect with our source and be free from the confines of the human body.  But, I am presently, as we all should be, focused on expanding while we are here at this time and at this place.  This burning desire that we get about doing somethin g, I believe is our souls talking to us about the importance of  doing whatever it is that will satisfy that burning desire.  Just one little caveat.  This desire, has to be for the betterment of society as a whole.  I am obviously not referring to a desire towards a vice or any other destructive behavior.  We do not have to wait until physical death for expanding our desires to be free.  We can expand and be free while alive by feeding our burning desire to accomplish what we want to accomplish.  We should listen to our soul.  Chances are you will be successful and happy.
 I leave you with a poem on point titled, "The Voice."
  "There is a voice inside of you that whispers all day long, "I feel that this is right for me,
  I know that this is wrong."
  No teacher, preacher, parent, friend or
  wise man can decide what's right for you-
  just listen to the voice that speaks inside."
        Just a thought 