Chameleons are a highly specialized clade of lizards.  Many have the ability to change colors.  So, last night I was listening to music.  For those who know me, know that I love music.  I came across Culture Club's Karma Chameleon song that was performed by Boy George.  Part of the lyrics are; "karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon you come and go, you come and go.  Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams, red, gold and green, red, gold and green..."  So I started thinking and  creating thoughts which are the focus of today's article.  We are all chameleons, metaphorically speaking.  We constantly change and adapt.  The physical part of who we are, changes by the day.  Look in the mirror and you will exactly know what I am referring to.  The body you had a few years ago is not the same body you have today.  The hair you had back then is not the same today. In fact, what you had or were yesterday is not the same today.  That's how the law of nature works.  It is a law of  constant change.  Studies have shown that all the cells we have in our bodies rejuvenate every 11 month.  What this means is that all our organs every 11 month have a new set of cells. This makes sense.  If it wasn't so, they would not allow middle aged or older people to be organ donors.  From an external perspective, humans adapt to their environment constantly.  It is never ending.  In the winter out bodies adapt to the cold. In the summer the same applies etc...  So physically we are like chameleon's in that the law of nature is all about change and adapting for existence. 
 Spiritually, the same rules apply.  The law of nature or life, as I like to describe it, is all about creating and growing.  That is why we are given the power of thinking.  Nothing can ever survive if it stands still.  Or maybe I should say it can survive for a very short period of time like if you have to stand still and pretend to be dead so you don't get attacked by a bear.  But, even in that scenario, eventually you have to get out and make a run for it.  You will not survive for long if you have to remain still for a long time.  Your mind is the same.  You have to constantly use it or else it get's stale and useless.  Who I was in the past and ideas that I had in the past have changed throughout time.  That is the law of nature at play.  That's an essential part of growing.  Because as I have said before, if you stop growing, physical death is imminent sooner than later.  I know individuals who take pride in saying that they are the same person today that they were 30 years ago.  To me those individuals have been dead for a long time.  They just don't know it.  They are in their cars, (Body), on cruise control at 35 mile per hour, (Their minds), and watching everyone pass them by, (Life), on the fast lane, on the way to the cemetery while others are continually growing and on their way to the party.  My rule of life is very simple.  It is akin to the 4 year term of the U.S. Presidency.  Every 4 years I re-evaluate where I am in life.  From the car I drive, to the house I live in , to the work I am doing.  I constantly look at areas to improve and grow.  That is the internal god in me constantly moving me to create and grow.  We all have that.  However, most individuals suppress those feelings.  Some call it a mid life crises or whatever they want to call it.  I look at that as your creative nature wanting you to grow and experience life.  Your soul picked the body you're in to team up and take it to the party of life.  It is out obligation to show our soul an appreciation for picking everyone of us individually to enjoy this beautiful dance together.   The dance of life!  Therefore, change is imminent.  Encourage it, expect it, and,  show the world your colors as the true  chameleon that you are.  I leave you with a quote on point.
  "There's been an undeniable truth since before we ever existed; Nothing ever stays the same.  Change can not be resisted."
       Ms. Moem
     Just a thought.