I recently committed to represent a client in an area of law that I don't normally practice in. It's an area of law, that I am familiar with because sporadically in my 27-year career I have had the opportunity to represent clients in. To put it in perspective, I may have had a handful of cases in my long and counting lustrous career. Before I continue, you need to know that as part of my writing style, I make it a habit never to mention names or entities because it is not my intention to offend individuals. So, in this one particular case I had to deal with an attorney who, in my opinion was just not pleasant. I understand that the practice of law is extremely stressful. So, a bad attitude on occasion I write off to the stressors of the practice and not take it personally but, if opposing counsel's behavior persist, it's a different story. It got to a point where she would make me feel uncomfortable in her presence or in our communications. So, at the gym today, I started thinking of this uncomfortable situation I was in. So, I decided that this entire situation with this unpleasant attorney is a privilege. You see, I don't have to be in this position of representing a client. It's a privilege. The way she decides to deal with me is her decision. The way I decided to look at the situation as a privilege, is my choice. In fact, she's making me better. She illuminates and confirms everything that I believe in with regards to personal development. The discomforting position that she attempts to put me in, is a privilege because, it leads me to a smarter, stronger and better place.
In life you will be in many uncomfortable positions. That is part of your curriculum in what I refer to as the university of life. Feeling a sense of discomfort or being subject to an uncomfortable situation is not only a good thing but, a requirement in life. At times, the aforementioned discomfort is not just mental, but it can also be physical. As part of my fitness routine, I use rollers to stretch out tender areas in my body. Let me tell you, when you roll on a tender area, it's painful. So, why do I do it? Well, it is a privilege to be able to work-out. It is also a privilege to be able to work-out where I do. By understanding this makes it all worthwhile. Think about this, I read somewhere, where the odds of you being born is one in four hundred trillion. If this is so, you have already won. You are privileged. If this doesn't put it in perspective for you nothing will. So, remember this before you start complaining about aches and pains, unpleasant interactions, and all of the other "alleged" problems individuals complain about. Life at times can be complicated. That's part of the living experience. Being put in an uncomfortable position is part of the rules of life. If you are spoon fed from the womb to the tomb you have not lived. Go live your life the way you are supposed to. I leave you with a quote on point. "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did do." Mark Twain.
Just a thought.
In life you will be in many uncomfortable positions. That is part of your curriculum in what I refer to as the university of life. Feeling a sense of discomfort or being subject to an uncomfortable situation is not only a good thing but, a requirement in life. At times, the aforementioned discomfort is not just mental, but it can also be physical. As part of my fitness routine, I use rollers to stretch out tender areas in my body. Let me tell you, when you roll on a tender area, it's painful. So, why do I do it? Well, it is a privilege to be able to work-out. It is also a privilege to be able to work-out where I do. By understanding this makes it all worthwhile. Think about this, I read somewhere, where the odds of you being born is one in four hundred trillion. If this is so, you have already won. You are privileged. If this doesn't put it in perspective for you nothing will. So, remember this before you start complaining about aches and pains, unpleasant interactions, and all of the other "alleged" problems individuals complain about. Life at times can be complicated. That's part of the living experience. Being put in an uncomfortable position is part of the rules of life. If you are spoon fed from the womb to the tomb you have not lived. Go live your life the way you are supposed to. I leave you with a quote on point. "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did do." Mark Twain.
Just a thought.